Sunday, April 21, 2013

Watch Full Movie Uprising Online Free

Uprising Story: In January 2011, millions of Egyptians took to the streets in a spontaneous eruption against thirty years of oppression under the regime of Hosni Mubarak. Communicating via Facebook and Twitter, the largely peaceful protesters braved tear gas, beatings, and live bullets in the hope of facing down security forces and overthrowing the government. Over eight hundred lost their lives, and several thousand were arrested and tortured by security forces. UPRISING tells the story of the Egyptian revolution from the perspective of its leadership and key organizers, their struggle for freedom against tremendous odds, their sacrifice, and the courage and ingenuity that allowed them to succeed. Featuring major figures including four Nobel Peace Prize nominees, several Egyptian presidential candidates, the former foreign ministers of Egypt and Jordan, and former US Ambassadors and White House officials, along with never before seen footage, UPRISING provides the authoritative behind-the scenes view of one of the most dramatic events of our generation. (c) Official Site

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Movie Title : Uprising
Release Date : Jan 11, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie : Documentary,Action & Adventure,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : Unrated


Actors :Mahmoud Salem,Amr Waked,Abdaliah Helmy,Edward Walker,Amr Moussa

Watch New Trailer For Uprising


Visitor Ranting and Critics For Uprising

User Ranting Movie Uprising : 4.3
User Percentage For Uprising : 88 %
All Critics Ranting For Uprising : 7.8
All Critics Count For Uprising : 12

If You Like this movie you can watch and streaming Uprising movie without downloading HERE (FREE)

Limited Movie Images Uprising

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TagLine Uprising
They did the one thing the Nazis never expected. They fought back.

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